I do not hold the truth in my art. As a modest enquiring and practising person, I am aware of my imperfections. I give the best of myself, to receive better and to understand better. I am inspired by the best but I act in a personal way. I show humility and abnegation.
I seek
to deepen my techniques and to control my body to reach the wisdom of the
spirit. Any man of goodwill is a fellow traveller, not a rival. I must not say to another practising fellow that he is wrong, but bring him a different opinion. The exchanges of ideas are calm and courteous. I apply the motto "know-how before letting know". I must help any practising fellow in difficulty.
I must show respect to my elders.
I am against intolerance, iniquity, untruthfulness, perversity and hatred. I am simple and natural, and I reject artificiality and excess. The reason is my only guide, against doubt, cupidity and obscurantism. I seek to be strong to be useful. Keeping one’s word is sacred: Saying and doing are one and the same thing. My state of heart is that of a Knight, the protection of life is my « raison d'ętre ».
in the event of an attack, the studied techniques must never be revealed. |