Taï-Ho-Jutsu is a synthesis of techniques stemming from Ju-Jitsu, Aïki-Jutsu, Karate Wadô-Ryu, Judo, Boxing and Keibo-Soho (short stick).

In 1924 in Tokyo, a first committee of experts in Bu-Jutsu was put in charge of codifying a simple and effective method of combat for the police forces.

In 1947 Taï-Ho-Jutsu was born, on the initiative of a new commission to which Master OTSUKA, the founder of Wadô-Ryu Karate, belonged.

This art commonly called the Japanese police Ju-Jitsu (it is part of the official handbook of Japanese police officers) was going thereafter to be enriched with Boxing and Kendo techniques to form a complete self-defence system.

Taï-Ho-Jutsu is regularly modified, supplemented and perfected... Just as the Ju-Jitsu systems of the feudal time were. 
